Saturday, September 1, 2012

Is trend moving away from "Follow your Passion" theme..

Couple of years back it was all about passion.. follow your passion.. do what you really like and passionate about.. and all such great things about following your passion.  However, now a days or I should say for last couple of months I am hearing otherwise.. more and more serious writings are about otherwise..

I used to be big follower of follow your passion slogan.. but these new writings totally makes sense to me.. hence the confusion.. I am still a firm believer of follow the passion.. but these new writings.. I think that they are talking more and more about discovering your passion..

Important question is.. or important thing is to know about your true passion.. Which makes sense.. but then this is not absolute science and there is no sure shot way of knowing you passion.. so all these things essentially tell you to develop or build your passion.. and build it right..

You or I can pick up whatever makes sense to find the passion and get involved into it. It simply doesn't make any sense to not to get involved in your passion.. more importantly, it doesn't make any sense in leading life without finding your passion.. so everyone should be finding out whichever way.. and then follow it.. Well.. that is more of ideal scenario.. in reality I don't know how many people can say that they are really following your passion.. that too honestly.. they don't even have to tell anyone else.. just honest to yourself..

Focus on a Problem, Not Your Passion

When it comes to careers, we’re told to follow our passions. But you might find greater satisfaction if you work on big problems. Whether it’s an issue in education, health care, climate change, poverty, or technology; figure out how you can contribute to a solution. Choose a problem that you care about — even personally — and let this dilemma be your compass. Get out of the office, meet people who are affected by the problem, and connect with those working in this area. Doing so shifts your attention from yourself to others. By becoming less focused on yourself, you might become happier with your work.

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