These type of news items really annoy me. I still can't believe that this is still happening. Amazing.. I am literally out of words for such news..
How can this be still allowed.. only explanation for this could be.. Saudis have oil and they are ready to provide un-interrupted supply of it to my car's tank.. Otherwise, US would have come after them long time back or ignored them to an extent that no news about them could percolate in our media.. Why doesn't Ms. Clinton goes to Riyadh and lectures her Saudi counterparts on this..
Even, Ikea is no less.. It doesn't absolves them of responsibility by saying that this is against their values. If it doesn't align with your values then come out of Saudi Market..
Ikea’s Saudi Arabian catalog erases women
By Tiffany Hsu
Los Angeles Times
Ikea removed images of women from the Saudi Arabia version of its catalog, a decision that the furniture giant now says clashes with its values. Swedish publication Metro posted a comparison of the Saudi Arabian mailer and the Swedish version, showing that women present in the latter were missing from the former.
In the Muslim country, women are not allowed to travel or study without male permission and are expected to avoid driving and to conceal their bodies and hair.
The image of a pajamaclad woman — shown standing at a bathroom sink along with a young boy, a man and another young child nearby — is erased in the catalog distributed in the Arab state. Some tableaux feature a coed mix of models for the Swedish catalog but no models for the Saudi Arabian copy.
More than 200 million households receive a free Ikea catalog each year, according to Inter Ikea Systems, which oversees the chain’s franchisees. A separate branch, Ikea Group, makes the catalogs.
Ikea Group said in a statement that its values “support the fundamental human rights of all people” and “do not accept any kind of discrimination.” Ikea Saudi Arabia, it said, is run by a franchisee outside the Ikea Group.
“As a producer of the catalog, we regret the current situation,” Ikea Group said. “We should have reacted to the exclusion of women from the Saudi Arabian version of the catalog since it does not align with the Ikea Group values.”
The company continued: “We are now reviewing our routines to safeguard a correct content presentation from a values point of view in the different versions of the Ikea catalog worldwide.”

A photo in the Swedish Ikea catalog, left, includes a woman who has been erased from the Ikea catalog distributed in Saudi Arabia, right.
How can this be still allowed.. only explanation for this could be.. Saudis have oil and they are ready to provide un-interrupted supply of it to my car's tank.. Otherwise, US would have come after them long time back or ignored them to an extent that no news about them could percolate in our media.. Why doesn't Ms. Clinton goes to Riyadh and lectures her Saudi counterparts on this..
Even, Ikea is no less.. It doesn't absolves them of responsibility by saying that this is against their values. If it doesn't align with your values then come out of Saudi Market..
Ikea’s Saudi Arabian catalog erases women
By Tiffany Hsu
Los Angeles Times
Ikea removed images of women from the Saudi Arabia version of its catalog, a decision that the furniture giant now says clashes with its values. Swedish publication Metro posted a comparison of the Saudi Arabian mailer and the Swedish version, showing that women present in the latter were missing from the former.
In the Muslim country, women are not allowed to travel or study without male permission and are expected to avoid driving and to conceal their bodies and hair.
The image of a pajamaclad woman — shown standing at a bathroom sink along with a young boy, a man and another young child nearby — is erased in the catalog distributed in the Arab state. Some tableaux feature a coed mix of models for the Swedish catalog but no models for the Saudi Arabian copy.
More than 200 million households receive a free Ikea catalog each year, according to Inter Ikea Systems, which oversees the chain’s franchisees. A separate branch, Ikea Group, makes the catalogs.
Ikea Group said in a statement that its values “support the fundamental human rights of all people” and “do not accept any kind of discrimination.” Ikea Saudi Arabia, it said, is run by a franchisee outside the Ikea Group.
“As a producer of the catalog, we regret the current situation,” Ikea Group said. “We should have reacted to the exclusion of women from the Saudi Arabian version of the catalog since it does not align with the Ikea Group values.”
The company continued: “We are now reviewing our routines to safeguard a correct content presentation from a values point of view in the different versions of the Ikea catalog worldwide.”
A photo in the Swedish Ikea catalog, left, includes a woman who has been erased from the Ikea catalog distributed in Saudi Arabia, right.
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