Sunday, October 31, 2010

India's Contrasting report

I think due to President Obama's proposed India visit, newspapers are actively printing report on India. There were two very interesting and contrasting reports in today's local newspaper. First one was about number of Cell  Phones in India as compared to available Toilets.It is amazing to read these facts which essentially says that cell phones are more important than basic necessities like sanitation and housing. There are 400 million people in India who are way below poverty line but I am sure even half of these either already have cell phones or will get it withing a year or less. However, they may not have toilet access even in next couple of years. So, cell phone is more important than shit..

Next even more contradicting story was about Mukesh Ambani's new Billion Dollar house.. So many rumors about it.. It has 27 floors, capacity to land three choppers, 7 floors for parking and probably more than one hundred servants.. and what not.. What a stark contrast with 400 million people who don't even know if they will be able to eat tomorrow's supper..

Sometimes I feel that India needs some major  social unrest.. where all these poors gang together and simply attack on these ultra rich.. not that I am communist.. I still believe that Capitalism is best way for progress. However, when inequality becomes so high then it needs to be addressed and somewhere system is broken. System needs to be fixed..

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