Thursday, April 21, 2011

Big news on Stem Cell based Artificial Retina!!

Great to hear so many encouraging news from Science in action podcast. Really feels good to see advancements in science.

Artificial retina grown in lab
In a significant step forward in stem cell science, scientists in Japan have created an artificial retina from embryonic mouse stem cells in the lab. The retina is the back part of the eye, which has photosensitive cells, which react with light and allow us to see. The artificial retina is only at an early developmental stage. But it could be used as a tool for disease modelling. And in future, if the same process can be done using stem cells from the patient, the retina could be used to harvest these photosensitive cells for transplant. There are 150 single gene mutations that affect the retina, including age-related macular degeneration which affects 10% of patients aged 66 to 74.

One year Anniversary of oil Gulf Oil Spill or I should say Drama

Interesting to note that most of the news channel are busy talking and interviewing people who complains about not being properly compensated rather than focussing on actual damage itself. Funny part is that most of people are unhappy about compensation paid by BP. As per them, BP officials are too stingy and are asking too many papers on top of grabbing ability to sue BP. So they don't want to sign or get money from them. I think hopes are that they might be able to extract more money from BP later on by suing them. Which is fine I think.

I guess, focus of this drama is ultimately money instead of initial cry about damage to nature and our mother earth. Such a pity.. and shame.. However, who knows, If I were in their situation, I would have also been thinking about myself first than about anything else.

I hope US government and Obama administration will try to keep focus on it as natural disaster and continue to monitor and evaluate damage to nature and ecology due to this disaster. Remember guys, we need to focus on bigger picture rather than immediate short term benefits!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fight Against Corruption in India

I was thinking about corruption.. I believe that Corruption is one of the oldest practice of human civilization along with one of the oldest trade. Everyone will agree that corruption is there in some form or other in all the countries. Nature, form or severity may be different, but it is there is all parts of our beloved planet earth including all living things.. However, some countries it is still taboo and considered bad where as some countries, it is accepted norm. In case of India, I feel that only person who is not corrupt is the one who is not getting chance to be corrupt. Having said that, there are still some exceptions.. there are still some "Jantoos" in the zoo who are still honest!! no offense.. but the people who are not corrupt are in reality considered not to be street smart.. Sad.. but unfortunately true.. I know I will hear from lot of you about it.. 

So.. What drives corruption.. Why people resort to corruption.. Why some societies are more corrupt.. Why some are not so corrupt..  any guesses or answers or solutions.. I don't know.. I do feel that it is driven by income disparity.. coupled with social & atmospheric pressures.. divide between rich and poor..

In case of India, all these factors were further fueled by centuries of occupation by foreign forces who only wanted to extract money one way or another.. lastly, 2 centuries of British rule crippled this further by paying enormous salaries to Civil Servants (I guess, even for Britishers, ICS was one of the top salaried job) and paying almost nothing to rank and file workers in both administration and police jobs. On top of it they further fueled feudalism to continue suppressing common people..

none of the above is good enough excuse for corruption in modern times.. now a days there are enough opportunities for everyone who wants to work hard and make money honestly.. Still we are one of the most corrupt societies.. Why? We are Gandhi Nation!!! Which can be taken both ways depending on which Gandhi you pick.. If you say that we are Mahatma Gandhi nation then we should not have any corruption.. it should be Ram Rajya every where.. However, if you say that we are Nehru/Gandhi Nation (which we are currently) then corruption as an accepted norm is fine..

What is solution to this deep rooted mentality in India? When I was kid, I used to say that, when India got independence, we should have dismantled British Police force, as Britishers were able to rule India only due to them.. If I remember correctly, my views about them were to hang them all in public execution.. that was naive and foolish at the best.. it wouldn't have fixed any problem for that matter and most likely created more problems for new nation.. What else could be solution? Double or triple their salaries? I doubt if India could have been able to afford it or even that would have fixed it. Once you get into this habit of bribery, you can't stop it..

I feel that only solution is to have increase education level, increase information availability, open door discussions and true form of democracy and complete stoppage on unrestricted number of terms for government positions. We need to accept that fact that there are still 400 million people in India below poverty line. Most of the western societies can't survive at or above (slightly) this so called poverty line of India, forget about people living below poverty line.. Indian youth needs to look at this problem and fix it. Nobody else is going to help India.. India needs to help themselves.. As far as higher population is concerned.. I am not that big fan of that argument.. Japan had and still have population density more than India.. around 1950s both the countries were more or less in same situation.. does any one knows what is the only thing common between Toyota and Hindustan Motors (makers of famous Ambassador cars in India).. It was their foundation day.. both companies were founded same day.. In-fact Hindustan Motors had more starting capital than Toyota..

Imagine Indian economy's size if our productivity was same as Japan's... I am sure it would have been biggest economy of the planet..

Any how coming back to Anti-Corruption. Can any country flourish with such a high level of corruption.. China is one such example.. what I heard or read so far.. China is equally corrupt society.. However, there is no comparison between China and India's progress report. So why is elimination of corruption so important for India.. is it just my thoughts as I am from India and I have seen corruption very closely or something else..
I think it is long enough.. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Libya Air Strikes

Lot of my friends have expressed their opinion about Libya No Fly Zone or Libya Air attacks. Lot of people are shocked to see Noble Peace Prize Winner Obama going for war or going to kill hundreds and thousands of people..
There are different arguments against air strikes.

Primarily, Why only Libya? Why not other countries in middle east where similar protests by population are suppressed without much of noise from western world. Is it just because Libya has more oil and gas than those countries? or those regimes are more friendly to US/West than Col. Gaddafi. Why not similar action in Myanmar (Burma) where "Junta" Regime has killed thousands of people in last decade. There it would have been even more easier to dislodge them. They will simply go if US and West simply stops trading with them. But no body cares about these countries for variety of reasons.

Then, second question is about exit strategy.. We are saying that there won't be any boots on the grounds. CIA is already working with rebels. What does that means. Can we get away without sending any boots on ground. What if all this results in further deterioration in conditions in Libya. What if new government is somewhat similar to Afghanistan's Taliban. There is no guarantee of decent regime if Col. Gaddafi is dislodged. If he some how manages to stay then we are in even bigger trouble. Probably, Libya will become even better sanctuary for Al-Qaeda type organizations.

In my view, there was imminent danger of wiping out couple of cities in Libya by Col. Gaddafi's forces if air strikes were not started. Unfortunately,  I think it was question of number of causalities. Which action will result in how many loss of lives. I guess, result was more in favor of air strikes.

Then about exit strategy. I am assuming with US and western tactical support, Rebels should be able to dislodge Col. Gaddafi and his regime. There is very slight chances that he might survive. I feel that is worth the risk. Also, if some sense will prevail in rebel groups and Libyan mass population, I think something good will come out of it. They are not fighting just to get rid of Col. Gaddafi. Hopefully they are looking for bigger goal of true freedom and democracy in their country/area.

I hope for best and wish them all the best!! 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What is Love?

Is love a feeling or sentiment or hormones or brain chemistry or heart muscles or matrix or God or action or verb or what?? Is it one way or has to be two way?? What drives it?? Why we love certain things or people at certain time and then we love something else or somebody else at some other time. Why it keeps on changing.. or in some cases stays constant.. But then Change is only Constant of the world so it can't be constant.. It has to change. Why it becomes understanding or compromise.. why can't our pure and solid love for things and people remain constant what ever the time or circumstances may be?

Which factors influence our love to certain other objects and living things or even certain groups like nations or religion or language or so many N number of things.. Why we are ready to die for love, say of other human or religion or nation and now many a times ready to take life of others in the name of love of... What exactly generates love and what annihilates it.. Is it matter Vs dark matter balance issue? Is it some kind of cosmic combination which effects it..

Enough of questions.. I am sure everyone has lot of theories and understanding about it..

For now, some of my theories.. I think origin of love should be attributed to basic motivation or greed or fear of human brain cells.. Before you dump my theory, remember I am not talking about only about certain aspect of love.. I am fairly generic and at very high level at this point.. Still I strongly believe that every lovely relationship starts with either of these factors.. Be it love for child, mother/parent, opposite sex, religion, nation and any other kind of lovely groups or individuals or things or physical or mental objects.. Once human brain (or for that matter any living thing's brain) sees some thing which will either satisfy or protect them from something, they will start loving that individual or group.. Sometimes motivation is so great for certain entity that we ignore bigger picture of humanity that we ought to love everyone or everything. Due to extremely high motivational forces for certain entity we even start hating some other entities. Let us keep this topic to love only for now ;-)

After that it depends on our actions and involvement with the other entity. I think verb form of love takes over after that. Then it is up to us to keep on cultivating love bank or certain point, start diminishing it.. Multiple other factors like genetics, social environment, education or more importantly our ability to think and process information drives it. We start calling it maturity or understanding or many other names.. Ideally, love should be without any motivation but I don't know anyone who has that kind of love.. Even if someone says that they only love this planet or universe, that also is driven by our ultimate survival..

More important is how to continue love for that entity over a period of time without too much of deltas on time curve.. I guess, for this we need to create awareness in ourselves that we love certain entity and we need to keep loving it. If we want love to continue without too much of diminishing returns then we need to work for it. We need to take certain actions such that other entity sees them as love not just by using words.. There is very good chance that if we continue to take actions close enough to selflessly (though as per  my earlier principle or theory there is nothing like selflessness) we may find some decent return on those actions throughout the life.. But everyone is good at least by their own definition... then it is quite possible that they may still not see it selfless love as their expectation of actions to prove your selfless love may be different.. In this case, most important thing is honesty.. Once you are honest, you will be brave, and you will communicate and clearly outline your selfish interest (however minor they may be) behind your loving actions and hopefully this will result in other person/entity returning the favor and tell you what kind of actions constitutes as selfless love to them..  Once this happens there could be fairly constant love for those entities..
