Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Future of Cloud

Will it keep raining or not?

Just kidding.. I was talking about future of Natural, real and Authentic Cloud services.. I think natural cloud services are getting really aggressive and we can see all the super twisters in mid-west.. However, this article is about our man made technological cloud services.. More I am reading and getting involved into man made cloud services more I am getting impressed and more inclined to learn.. First of all we should really thank VMware, Amazon and Sales Force.. they are the real heros and champions of getting cloud services to marketplace and setting path for numerous other pioneers in this field... Like Netflix (who was originally snow/hailstorm service by delivering DVDs to your home), Cisco and now Apple as well..

I am particularly impressed with VMware products and they seems to be really magical and working like charm.. their ESX/i infrastructure is really amazing.. I wish it was more popular and easy to use.. What if, Dell/HP starts shipping home PCs with ESXi  and then option of multiple OS copies on it pre-installed with demo licenses on it.. User can try different OS and pay/use which ever they like... In this case, they can easily put all data in shared folder structure accessible to all the OS thus it won't matter which OS user ultimately keeps or rejects.. This way instead of creating separate user account for my son, I can create another OS for him and put all restrictions on it.. With Disks so cheap and Processing so powerful that we can plan and prepare multiple moon missions on single PC.. We should be able to some thing more magical in this space.. There are tons of other use cases and I am sure we will see more strange ideas in this field..

Apple has already started fire in consumer space with their iCloud service.. which I am sure is just a beginning like original iPhone ;-)


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Trash Inc.

Excellent program on Trash and its handling on CNBC. Very balanced and well covered. Everyone should watch it and try to maintain balance between growth and natural forces. We are so focused on physical comforts that we really don't care about our impact on planet earth and also on future generation. We need to be focused and balance between our comfort and consumption and its impact.
Here is the link to program...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Amazing and innovative but little scary peek into future..

I was watching podcast on economist about futuristic Contact lenses.. Some very innovative and amazing research into this area...

Generally it is going in right direction of making our lives easier but at the same time I any how feel toooo much connected and wired and these things will make me zombie in future..

On Funnier note.. I am hoping that they won't be driven by Windows OS ;-) or connected using ATT network ;-) I don't want them to crash in my eyes or drop connection in the middle of my meeting/discussions and all of a sudden I become blank.. Just kidding.. but I am sure there will be many more different kind of problems.. Biggest I see is EMP burst.. as we are more and more connected and wired.. we are more and more vulnerable to this force of nature.. Which is very real possibility in any time and can create real havoc on our planet. Nothing to worry about it..

Here are links for details:

this is for video: