Thursday, April 21, 2011

One year Anniversary of oil Gulf Oil Spill or I should say Drama

Interesting to note that most of the news channel are busy talking and interviewing people who complains about not being properly compensated rather than focussing on actual damage itself. Funny part is that most of people are unhappy about compensation paid by BP. As per them, BP officials are too stingy and are asking too many papers on top of grabbing ability to sue BP. So they don't want to sign or get money from them. I think hopes are that they might be able to extract more money from BP later on by suing them. Which is fine I think.

I guess, focus of this drama is ultimately money instead of initial cry about damage to nature and our mother earth. Such a pity.. and shame.. However, who knows, If I were in their situation, I would have also been thinking about myself first than about anything else.

I hope US government and Obama administration will try to keep focus on it as natural disaster and continue to monitor and evaluate damage to nature and ecology due to this disaster. Remember guys, we need to focus on bigger picture rather than immediate short term benefits!!

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