Sunday, August 28, 2011

Aid 2.0

Interesting article in Economist about new players for global aid for poor countries..  Especially about India. Felt good to know that India is active in global aid business to help poor countries remove poverty!!!  There are both sides of the this coin.. First is good news.. Great that India is becoming economically stronger to go out and help other countries..  Second is confusing.. What the hell!!! there are bloody 400 million below poverty line in your own country and you are still taking aid from world bank and many other aid agencies and you are going out and trying to fix problem of other countries..

This "Gareebi Hatao" (remove poverty) is going on in India for last 5-6 decades.. Despite that there is growing divide between rich and poor.. You can't fix problem in your own backyard and you are going out to fix it for others!!! amazing.. I guess, this will be another scam pretty soon.. this time in foreign policy side.. I am sure there has to be some economical ties between Gaddafi and our political leadership.. otherwise there was no reason for India to support dictator like Gaddafi for so long... When you have such a screwed up foreign policies and on top of that you are adding this 6-7 Billion USD aid every year.. We can imagine what will come out of it..

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