Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year to Everyone!!!

Hope 2012 will bring happiness and peace for everyone!!

2011 had been great and very productive in terms of prospects for peace, love and harmony for next years to come. Hope this trend will continue for years to come.

In technology space, We did lost visionary like Steve Jobs, but revolution in technology and more importantly way we use technology will continue to be defined and re-defined by many other new upcoming visionaries!!!!

There is going to be great drive to continue this surge in usage of Internet and mobile and cloud going forward. This is bound to create more and more opportunities for individuals and startups and big companies alike. Pie is already huge and it will continue to grow bigger and bigger. Lot of competing and complementary technologies can exist and grow and enjoy healthy growth rates.

Hopefully this will also percolate in overall growth in rest of the sectors of economy and result in greater wealth and happiness for everyone on this planet earth!!!


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