Saturday, December 3, 2011

South Africa New Secrecy Law

Looking at this law by ANC government and state of affairs by INC (Indian / Indira National Congress) in India I very strongly feel that all the Parties involved in Freedom movements of the countries should be dissolved and their leaders retired once freedom objective is achieved.

This is very good and most important lesson for new upcoming free countries due to Arab Spring. In my view they should learn from other's mistakes rather than repeating them.

No offense to anyone, but I think these same freedom fighter party leaders become defacto leaders and start extracting price which they payed while struggling for freedom of the country. They should be given decent pension and allowed to enjoy free life and respect at independence day etc. but should be barred from taking any public position.

New blood, who is free of all such background and free to think objectively should be given reigns of the country. There might be mayhem in first couple of years, but in long term it will result in real freedom for them and true democracy.

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