Sunday, February 6, 2011

1-1-1 BILLION!!!

Amazing number I found few days back.. Very interesting..

One billion people sleep every day - HUNGRY
One billion people suffer from - Malnutrition
One billion people suffer from - Over-eating (Over weight or Obese)

Probably, One billion people must be wasting food every day as well.. or more..

Out of Seven Billion Population!! or what is it now? Eight Billion?

After reading this article I feel guilty when I over eat some day..

What is solution? Communism? or Capitalism? Both of them failed in past. some more some less.  I guess, We should introduce another form of government "Humanitarian"!!! or tear down this bloody Nationalism boundaries.. or what ever form of group any theory may produce. Religion.. Nationalism, Racism.. all are in some ways responsible for this mess. We ought to dump these old theories and become true human and earthling.. and just live like earthling.. and remember that we are most gifted earthling.. and help each other grow.. Even after seven or eight billion population, earth is still big enough to take care of everyone.

I know it is dream but there is nothing formed physically without dreams.. To certain extent, Internet is helping tear down these man made walls and silos.. What is Facebook population.. Half billion of already a billion??? Just kidding. but hey.. you never know.. Facebook may be new Religion in next 20 or 50 years.. and Mark Zuckerburg may be God of Twenty second Century.. Only I wish we could start teleporting food on internet way we just now communicate audio and video.. Cisco.. Juniper.. Do something!!!!


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