Sunday, February 6, 2011

Egypt revolution

Enough has already written about Egyptian revolution going on since last 10 days or so. I am in general supporter of these kind of revolutions and definitely anti-regime. Especially these dictatorship kind of. I strongly believe that this revolution will culminate in change of government/regime. There is no doubt about that. No body can suppress people power once people are aware of their power.

However, I am also concerned about after effects of revolution. When I was kid, somewhere I read quote from Napoleon "let fools fight for the best form of government, whatever works is the best form". I was under impression that Mubarak Government was working and was good for Egypt.. But I think I was wrong.

At the same time, I am not so sure about form of government after Mr. Mubarak's regime is gone. What if Islamic fundamentalist takes over and let us say they form Afghanistan Taliban style government based on pure Islamic or shariyat kind of government. I hope people of Egypt will use their judgement and hope will get better government. There were/are problems with Mubarak Regime. However, which government doesn't have.. Are their no human rights violation in US or in UK or in India? When I grew up in India, I used to read stories of Police atrocities all the time. People are still afraid of Police in India.. May be we can blame it on Gandhi Regime ;-) I guess, it is time to get rid of Gandhi Regime in India too.

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