Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Power of Internet in Egypt

Lot of discussions are going on this issue. Media and news groups are openly saying that Twitter and Facebook has lot do with these revolutions in Tunisia and now in Egypt.
I would say that, they had some impact on these revolutions. Definitely, these are great collaboration tools and you do need great collaboration to organize something on that big scale.

However, one story in a way further validated very interesting role of internet and these applications in revolution. This is about Egyptian revolution. Revolution supporters were almost double very next day after Internet was shut down in the Egypt. I think that was Mubarak's biggest mistake and final nail on his coffin. Without Facebook and twitter, people didn't had anything to do at home. They came out in even bigger numbers. No offense to these revolutionist, but it would have been better for Mubarak if he had not only continued access for Facebook and Twitter so people keep on screaming on it sitting inside home but also ask ISPs to open some streaming of nice movies on Internet free of cost so people can enjoy at home. May be he won't have to appoint Vice-President. Just kidding.

I think power of internet with support of these excellent applications and tools is becoming more and more. Unfortunately US has very big role in supporting these regimes in all over the world. However, it is these same US companies, which are kind of counteracting US government's sins. So we are even out and in process making good money by first selling arms and ammunition then further hype our Companies like Facebook and Twitter and get huge valuations for them.. I smell conspiracy by Goldman Sachs on this ;-) 

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