Thursday, February 24, 2011

Poor Libya or I should say poor middle-east

After reading and seeing leadership style and more importantly lifestyle of middle-east leaders, I strongly believe that despite all petro dollars in middle east is in bad condition. I hope after these revolutions things will be better.. They won't go for toss.. The way I am reading about Iranian influence in these budding democracies.. you never know that we might think of these days as golden days of middle east.. Hope sense will prevail and people will use their judgement to build and elect better governance.

I hope leaders and people in India will take lesson from all this.. We are so fortunate to have great democratic system. Which system is perfect? neither does Indian democracy system.. But as long as it is there we have hope and hope to have better leaders.. Where these leaders come from? At some point they are part of common people.. so as long as there is better awareness and better educated and committed people who later on become better and honest leaders.. Instead of current rule of thumb that you need to be  first be "Goonda" or son of Gooda/Politician and then only you can go to politics.

India has very precious democracy and we should feel pride and lucky to have this kind of system. I strongly believe that even poor man sleeping in those Juggi/jhopdi (slums) will be overall more happy then average middle class in middle east who lives in constant fear of getting by these so called rulers in middle east..



Shai said...

After looking all this I very strongly feel that India is one of the top rich country. Money is not everything and culture, freedom makes us way more richer than anyone else!!

Unknown said...

Good one.
Compare to middle east. In India we can express feelings openly.


Thanks - Raju