Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Obama's Tax Deal with Republicans

At first it really made me furious. I felt that he has ditched his promise. Which is true whatever the explanation Mr. Obama might have. Even though he say that this is what US voters have given decision by making Republicans win mid-term elections. However, he is the one who was not able to convince US voters for his policies. In any case, let us go back to real topic of this so called deal on Bush Tax Cuts. Looking at the deal details, it seems that they are trying to give another shot of Stimulus without calling it stimulus. Deal is going to cost US exchequer almost half a trillion dollars.  almost 1.5 billion USD every day..

I don't know from where they are going to recover this money.

However, his today's speech on this tax deal or compromise was very good and after listening to it he really makes you feel guilty for 15-30 minutes. After that once your senses are back you still end up feeling that you have been cheated.  Nevertheless, I really admire his talking skills. He does seem to be very honest and gentleman and very convincing. In-directly he was blaming Republicans about this deal. However, next elections are two years away and with such a short memory of US voters, they would have forgotten about this incidence all together.



Anonymous said...

Comment from my dear friend Annaji:

Assume voters to be well informed, since they elected Obama in the first place, and now they chose to tie his hands. Call it striking a deal with the new majority with eye on future or listening to voters mandate, he changed his stance. Only time will tell who all benefit! Everyone will claim victory ... that's politics!

Shai said...

In general I agree with your comment Annaji. If we go by stats for last couple of decades, most of the progress happened in years when there was gridlock in Washington.
Basically, theory is, we are better off without government interfering in our business and left to ourselves..