Monday, December 6, 2010

What defines us?

I was thinking about our own perception about ourselves. What do we think about ourselves? Is it really our own perception or what other people think or tell us. Why can't our brain be simply content with it's own perception. Why it is always seeking other's opinion or perception...

Most of the time we value opinion from the people we love or whom we look at. Nothing wrong about it as long as it doesn't start influencing our own perception. You should listen to every one whom you consider as your own but you decide or act or think what you (or we) think that is right without getting yourself influenced by them,,

Once we start changing our own perception based on others perception we are simply letting our life governed by them and simply lost control of our own life ourselves. We become highly reactive and emotional to someone else. We let others control our life instead our own control.

How can we stop this from happening?? I guess this is real yoga to believe in yourself and stop reacting to what others and society thinks about you or your acts. At the same time if everyone starts thinking like this then I don't know what will happen to our society. By this opinion criminal is as right as any other great leader or person. Ignoring these kind of extreme corner cases... I believe that you need to be really honest and brave to be able to act and define yourself. Honesty and truth to yourself is first stepping stone for bravery and hence first foundation stone to define yourself. and best of all no one else knows better than you yourself about your own honestly and truthfulness...

Since we know so little about our own brain, I think it is this discovery which made all these great men really great. This is never ending thought process but I think this is it for today.


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